Post 15. 16 days of activism. Gender inequality still exists.
'You may think' that gender inequality no longer exists, or that its just not that important.
However, we say women are still often paid less, excluded from decision-making and from upper leadership roles. This creates unequal social standing, value, power, resources, opportunities and influence. This inequity is unjust and it holds us all back from flourishing by creating an environment in which violence against women is facilitated.
"Men’s violence against women and girls is a blunt expression of the pervasive gender inequalities that characterize countries across the globe. Men’s violence against women both expresses and maintains men’s power over women. "(Dr Michael Flood)
For more information, visit the Ten Commitments website for more information 🔗 link in bio.
#16DaysOfActivism #PreventionofViolenceAgainstWomen #TenCommitments #AnglicanChurchofAustralia. "
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