Commitment Four
Our Church affirms that human relationships are to be based on respect and mutuality.
The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.
(Mark 12:31) [7]
As Christians, we believe that human relationships and especially marriage, are modelled on God’s commitment to us - a commitment which is characterised by respect, mutuality and grace. Marriage is a precious gift from God: a covenant partnership in which women and men can experience loving intimacy in the safety of a faithful, committed relationship. It is God’s gift for their mutual benefit and the outworking together of God’s purposes. In everything we do and teach, we uphold and support relationships of respect and mutuality in our teaching of Holy Scripture, liturgies, marriage preparation and education, and pastoral care.
[7] Mark 12:31 Revised Standard Version (RSV)