1 in 4 women. 1 in 16 men. This violence is preventable. Let's come together to discuss how we can change the future

1 in 4 women. 1 in 16 men. This violence is preventable. Let's come together to discuss how we can change the future

2-3 September 2024 Carlton, Melbourne

Monday, 2nd September
9amSilent PrayerContemplative prayer for the early birds! Join with others in (largely) silent prayer, bringing to mind the matters on your heart and allowing God to speak into our silence.
9.30amRegistrationGrab a program and a name tag, and a seat in the auditorium
10amWelcome & Introduction sessionFeaturing Bishop Genieve Blackwell, Chair,: Anglican Church Families & Culture Commission, Rev'd Tracy Lauersen, National Program Manager for the Anglican Church Families & Culture Commission and Safina Stewart, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian leader and artist, and others.
10.30Keynote 1 The hopeful next frontier of the work of prevention- the faith sector. Patty Kinnersley, CEO, OUR WATCH
11.30Tea Break
11.45amKeynote 2: Hope in the midst of violence - what we know about perpetration and its implications for prevention. Dr Michael Flood, Professor, School of Justice, Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
1.45pmPractice Workshops 1see workshop schedule -https://www.tencommitments.org.au/conference-workshops sign up for workshops at the registration area
2.30pmKeynote 3What difference does hope make? Psychology and theology in conversation. The gospel of hope for those impacted by domestic and family violence. Dr Leisa Aitken, Clinical Psychologist
3.30pmTea Break
4.00pmPractice Workshops 2see workshop schedule - sign up for workshops at the registration area
4.50pmEvening prayerMain Auditorium
5.15pm Networking eventDrinks, grazing platter, conversation, connection. Separate registration required. Come along and help us come together on this issue across the breadth of our churches . https://events.humanitix.com/2024-faith-hope-and-love-conference/tickets
7.00pmClose of Day 1
Tuesday, 3rd September
8.20amSilent PrayerContemplative prayer for the early birds! Join with others in (largely) silent prayer, bringing to mind the matters on your heart and allowing God to speak into our silence.
9.00amRegistrationGrab a program and a name tag, and a seat in the auditorium
9.15amWelcome & Introduction sessionMain auditorium
9.30amKeynote 4Engaging with hope and grace. How churches can get involved in their community and in advocating for change on this issue. Gershon Nimbalker, Director, Common Grace
10.30am Tea Break
11.00Keynote 5Finding Hope outside the Man Box: what we are learning about men, masculinities and prevention of violence against women. A deeper dive into the research and the implications for doing prevention work in faith settings. Alex Dentener Prevention Coordinator: Communities The Men’s Project – an initiative of Jesuit Social Services
1.00pmPractice Workshops 3see workshop schedule -https://www.tencommitments.org.au/conference-workshops sign up for workshops at the registration area
1.45pmPractice Workshops 4see workshop schedule -https://www.tencommitments.org.au/conference-workshops sign up for workshops at the registration area
2.30pmTea Break
3.00pmConcluding plenaryRound Table facilitated discussion about how our churches are working to achieve change, with a focus on the implementation of the Ten Commitments .
4.00pmEnd of ConferenceMain Auditorium
