Post 11. 16 days of activism. The bible teaches mutual love between husbands and wives.

'You may have heard it said' that scripture says wives are to submit to their husbands, but we say scripture also teaches mutual and loving submission between husbands and wives.

The Bible should never be interpreted to justify or excuse any form of abuse. The Bible never encourages anyone to submit to abuse.

A relationship between a husband and wife is to be characterised by love, care and kindness.

Visit the Ten Commitments website for more information 🔗 link in bio.

#16DaysOfActivism #PreventionofViolenceAgainstWomen #TenCommitments #AnglicanChurchofAustralia


Post 10. 16 days of activism. Respect each other's boundaries


Post 12. 16 days of activism.Those who choose violence