Post 2. 16 days of activism: Gender-based violence isn’t someone else’s fault

Jesus said that bad behaviour starts in our hearts and finds its way out. That's why gender-based violence is never someone else’s fault.

It starts within a person, originating from hostile, prejudiced thoughts and attitudes.

Left unchecked, these thoughts may lead to violent actions.

However, when we can recognise poor attitudes, we can adapt them before they lead us to act in harmful ways. Over the next #16DaysofActivism, we will draw attention to unhealthy thoughts about relationships and how we can change them for the better.

Visit the Ten Commitments website for more information 🔗 link in bio.

#PreventionofViolenceAgainstWomen #TenCommitments #AnglicanChurchofAustralia


Post 1. 16 days of activism: Sunday 24th November


Post 3. 16 days of activism. Change your thinking